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Healing and Support
At SpiritUnleashedTM, we welcome the opportunity to help you through challenging transitions in your life, as well as, supporting you in advancing your life, career or business. We offer a wide range of support and modalities for positive changes. Our Continuing Education, Life Coaching and Energy Medicine staff has a wealth of experience in both traditional and alternative approaches to healing and support. This allows us to focus directly on what you need and what would be of greatest benefit to you. We offer in-person sessions serving the Miami and Southeast Florida areas, as well as, long distance sessions by phone or by Skype.
To contact:
Individual Energy Medicine SessionsRelease the energetic components of past traumas, emotional shocks and non-resonant patterns and experiences. Clear what your system holds that is not beneficial to you. Support for people undergoing life transformations
COUPLE, PARTNER and FAMILY SessionsCreate your goals and dreams together and come into energetic support of them so you can attract them to your life with greater ease. Work out your differences and resonate to harmony, respect and love. Couple, family and partnership sessions are also available. These sessions are offered both in-person and by phone.
Online Group Programs and In-Person WorkshopsThe focused intention and energy of the group towards one goal, helps take each participant there faster. Group Transformational Programs are offered throughout the year at specific locations and/or online, by proxy. If you are not in the location where the group program/workshop is being held, you may sign up as a long distance or by proxy participant. As a proxy participant, you will receive a detailed report of the transformational session you registered for and be able to review all the issues shifted and the new positive resonances now held in your system as a result of the session. Group Transformational Programs range from being a single-session event to being a Series of 5-sessions minimum. Costs depends on how many sessions are being offered. All upcoming Group Repatterning Programs are announced by email notification. Susana offers Group Online Programs and Group In-Person Workshops on varied topics for self-growth and empowerment.
Copyright © 2014, 2022 by Susana Sori. All rights reserved. |