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Healing Passages™ reveals the underlying energetic dynamics of the important transforming times that we all share as human beings. Each of these passages hold the possibility of a rebirth and a healing. They challenge where we have held ourselves back. It is important to recognize them for what they are. This valuable workshop will give you the understanding and skills to effectively support your own healing and the healing of your clients as they move through their important passages. Healing Passages™ clarifies the underlying dynamics of the important passages that clients face from the perspective of energetics and healing. It delves deeply into the underlying basis of times of crisis as part of the healing process, and how to support positive outcomes and a more optimal passage. Predictable Passages• A fresh look at the ‘terrible twos’: The crisis of the enthusiasm of the heart for a two year old, for the second year of marriage and the second year of a job. • The energetics behind the ‘seven year itch’: The crisis of responsibility in relationships and careers and what pushes people to leave established relationships and careers. • The ‘Midlife Crisis’ of the 40’s and its reflection in the early 20’s, and 60’s: A time of the greatest use of alcohol for some, and a reconnection to freedom and spontaneity for others. Shared Times of Change• The death of a parent or someone close to you: The healing transition that most people ignore during the mourning process. • Separation and divorce: The optimal choices that support moving forward and clearing the past. • The passage through losing a job: Regaining value and worth. • A new job: The dynamics and timing of the common passages of the first few years. • A new relationship: The common patterns, crisis, pitfalls and optimal stances. • Marriage: Why marriages become a crisis: Understanding the fundamental dynamics of responsibility in relationship. • The birth of a child: The optimal stance to take with your child that avoids the common mistakes people make. Integration and Support • Practical stances to apply in our lives and with our clients. • A review of the key tendencies and issues that underlie all of the shared passages. • How to support positive shifts. • Modalities to support positive change, in addition to what participants learn during all parts of the workshop. This workshop is an invitation to learn what underlies the major events in your life and to recognize the patterns that affect your career, relationships, children and friendships. Learn the keys to understanding and taking full advantage of the important times in your life. Logistics of the courseThis workshop normally runs from 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM with an hour for lunch. Handouts: Some handouts will be provided during the workshop. For more information and registration: contact@spiritunleashed.com
14 CE hours for eligible professionsLMTs have 12 life presenter To professionals who do not live in Florida, but have a Florida license: Many professionals want to maintain 'active' their Florida license, even though they may presently live in another State. SpiritUnleashed™ offers CE hours to the professions listed above. To professionals from outside of Florida needing CE units for their State: Many professional Boards in the U.S. honor Florida approved courses, when the course is taken in Florida. Please check with the Board of your profession in your State. SpiritUnleashed™ will directly process your request for CE units to the respective Florida Boards. Please note: There is an additional $25 fee for those requesting CE units for course attendance, when the course is offered directly by SpiritUnleashed.
Copyright © 2009, 2022, by Susana Sori and Roman Oleh Yaworsky.